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How Give as you Live's Donate Button is making a difference to charities

Give as you Live's new Donate Button and repeat monthly donation feature is making it even easier for charities to boost their fundraising activities in 2019. We spoke to International Christian Consulate about the difference the buttons are making.

How are you promoting the Give as you Live Donate Button and where have you featured the button?

We promote the button in our monthly newsletter and on our website.  We have also featured it on our Facebook page. The most successful use of the button has been through our monthly email newsletters.

How do the funds raised through the Give as you Live Donate Button help the charity?

The funds donated are spent on our major projects. Now that there is a repeat monthly donation option too this will really help us to build our regular support base which is something we really need.

What does a £10 donation mean to the charity?

£10 gives a refugee access to our day centre for a day, which means they can take a shower, use the laundry facilities, eat a filling lunch and, most importantly, take part in education classes including language, job readiness, CV writing, registration for tax and social security, integration support, basic medical care and psychosocial support.

What does a £50 donation mean to the charity?

£50 provides emergency safe housing for a family for a week in one of the charity’s safe houses.

What does a £1000 donation mean to the charity?

£1000 covers the utility bills for the charity’s 8 safe houses for a whole month.

"Give as you Live has made collecting donations really simple and easy, especially since gift aid can also be claimed.  It’s even better now that the facility is able to accept monthly repeat donations – this will be a huge help for our charity!  The materials and support provided really take some of the stress out of producing effective fundraising material, which means we can focus more on helping our beneficiaries!"

Offers, donation rates and participating stores are correct at the time of writing and are subject to change. Please visit the Give as you Live Online website for the most up to date information.

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