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Try searching for another store using the search box above, or checking out our most popular stores below.

If you have searched for a store that you would like to see on Give as you Live Online then please contact us and we'll see if they'd like to join us.

Our stores

Admiral Pet Insurance
Admiral Pet Insurance

Raise up to £22.50

Astley Clarke
Astley Clarke

Raise up to 2.50%

Coopers of Stortford
Coopers of Stortford

Raise up to 3.50%

DPD Local
DPD Local

Raise up to 5.00%

The Jewel Hut
The Jewel Hut

Raise up to 2.00%


Raise up to 6.00%

Urban Outfitters
Urban Outfitters

Raise up to 0.75%

no7 Beauty
no7 Beauty

Raise up to 2.50%


Raise up to 3.00%

Pet Drugs Online
Pet Drugs Online

Raise up to 2.50%


Raise up to 1.50%

Increased donation
Phase Eight
Phase Eight

Raise up to 1.00%


Raise up to 3.00%

Runners Need
Runners Need

Raise up to 2.00%