Support charity when you switch!
Compare donation rates and get the best deal on your car, home, pet and travel insurance policies to suit your needs via Give as you Live Online.

See how much you could raise
Our members love raising for their charity at these popular comparison websites:
Don't compromise on quality
We've teamed up with the nation's most-trusted comparison websites and insurance brands to help raise even more for charities in the UK.
Using our free fundraising tool, you can earn a percentage of the cost of your insurance back as a free donation when you switch your provider or browse for a new policy. It's just like cashback - but the money goes to the charity you choose!

Featured provider
Admiral Car Insurance
Raise up to £42.50
Already an Admiral Car Insurance customer? Get a great multi-discount when you add a car - plus, the more cars you add the more MultiCar discounts you get.
Shop nowHow to raise when you switch
As long as you click through to your preferred comparison website via Give as you Live Online, you'll earn a donation within 7 days of your purchase.
Pick one of our comparison partners, click through and input your cover requirements
Find the policy and provider that's right for you and complete your purchase
Your charity will automatically receive your donation
Since 2005, we've raised £3456789012367890123456,123456789015678901234512345678901,123456789017890123456723456789012 for UK charities
Prefer to go direct?
We work with the most popular insurance companies - including those who don't appear on comparison sites - so that you can raise donations on all your insurance needs.
How Give as you Live Online works
Raising free donations with Give as you Live Online is as easy as making your favourite cuppa!
Use our website, App or Donation Reminder to visit your preferred provider, and then just shop as normal - we'll do the rest.
We have over 6,000 stores involved
Visit the store via our website or App, then shop as normal
We make a free donation to your charity - how?